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underfunded and over stretched. Our fire service is asked to do so much with so little.

Rising Disasters, Shrinking Budgets: The Crisis Facing America’s First Responders

By Patrick O’Connor, President & Co-founder 3AM Innovations • Fire Departments request $7 billion in grants annually but only receive 10% of that.• The need for a National Mutual Aid…

John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act

John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act

John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act | US Forest Service (usda.gov)  Overview of the Dingell Act  The Dingell Act, formally known as the Conservation, Management, and Recreation…

Personnel at an event being located through location intelligence.

Location Intelligence: Optimizing Team Safety and Event Security

How do you protect your team as they protect others? In the event security space, ensuring the safety of both attendees and security personnel is critical. When managing an event…

Navigating the Threat of Communication Blackout on the Fireground

Navigating the Threat of Communication Blackout on the Fireground

In our daily lives, the ability to communicate instantly is often taken for granted. A dropped call or a lagging message may be annoying, but for first responders, any delays…

What is APL? Everything You Need to Know about Automatic Personnel Location

What is APL? Everything You Need to Know about Automatic Personnel Location

It’s no secret that Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) provides considerable value to incident management. The ability for emergency responders to view the geographic location of an en route vehicle, whether…


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