SPECIAL events
3AM’s FLORIAN® and comprehensive suite of services play a pivotal role in bolstering event security teams by facilitating seamless resource management, incident tracking, and communication.
We offer an array of services to support your team as they leverage FLORIAN®. If you don’t have the devices 3AM can provide them. Get your team ready for anything.
FLORIAN® Licenses

Run FLORIAN on the devices you already have.
On-Site Services

We work with your team to leverage FLORIAN on site.
Rapid Deploy Kit

We provide the devices for you to run FLORIAN on.
Philadelphia Broad St. Run
3AM was honored to support the Philadelphia Fire Department during the Broad Street Run. Using Sonim Technologies, Getac tablets, Panasonic TOUGHBOOK, and Microsoft Surface connected by FirstNet, Built with AT&T, 3AM Innovations tracked response teams.
3AM’s FLORIAN platform created a real-time COP across a 10-mile stretch, with over 40,000 runners of Broad Street, contributing to operator safety and shortening time to care.

“Witnessing your situational awareness solution during the Broad Street Run, with over 40k runners, was truly amazing. I am already looking forward to seeing your software, FLORIAN, at future events!”
Principal Consultant, FirstNet, Built with AT&T
FLORIAN Features
Our software FLORIAN® offers comprehensive features including resource management, communications, real-time location tracking and elevation data, all accessible both online and offline.

Automated Personnel Tracking (APL)
Locate personnel on a 3D map at any elevation, whether subterranean or several stories up and the path they took to get there.

Touch-Enabled Map Annotations
Write directly on the map with your finger or pointer. Mark safe zones, danger areas, and other critical information in real time.

The power of an EOC in the palm of your hand. A single screen view of multiple data sources with a configuration of your choosing.

Complete Incident Archival
All data is automatically saved, and available for training, transparency, development of best practices.

Send Feature
Issue specific lat/long destinations directly to in-field assets with walking directions. Shorten time to care in unfamiliar surroundings.

Geofencing and Automated Alerts
Reinforce procedures, enable transparency with proactive alerts based upon resource location and allocation. Quickly alert to an emergency with voice command “mayday”.

“Orchard Park Fire District has now invested in the continued use of FLORIAN technology, as it is proving to increase efficiency in safety. It is now being extended into planned exercises, and inevitably will prove itself in emergency incidents.”
Orchard Park Fire District
Case Study
Boston Marathon
3AM Innovations collaborated with the Boston Fire Department to provide invaluable support to their EMS teams and bomb squad during their oversight of the Boston Marathon. Using 40+ devices, we harnessed the power of FLORIAN to enhance communication capabilities and streamline personnel tracking throughout the entire course. The team was able to digitize the (ICP) Incident Action Plan into FLORIAN and equipped each active personnel with a phone running FLORIAN. This enabled precise tracking of their location and presence within the established geo-fence.
As incidents unfolded and teams were dispatched to a specific incident, their color representation in FLORIAN transitioned from blue to red, providing a visual cue to indicate engagement. Leveraging FirstNet’s robust connectivity ensured reliable communication, unaffected by heavily trafficked frequencies. The real-time insights from FLORIAN proved crucial when it detected that an EMS crew was out of position, meaning a second team was swiftly dispatched, shortening the time to care. Leveraging FLORIAN’s capabilities allowed dispatch to deploy the team closest to incidents, guaranteeing rapid and efficient responses to emergencies.
Case Study
3AM Innovations collaborated with the leading events firm Stratoscope to support their operations at two major tech conferences in August 2023 and September 2023. The primary objective for 3AM was to provide location tracking for their leadership team to track key event resources throughout the overall campus for the events.
In the Event Operations Center (EOC), FLORIAN’s command interface enabled real-time monitoring of the locations of key resources and medical teams. Simultaneously, the FLORIAN app was deployed on the mobile phones of all zone leads and EMS field operatives, allowing their locations to be relayed to the EOC in real-time. This setup provided a comprehensive, real-time status overview, instant communication, and a clear understanding of the locations of all personnel, supporting the efficient deployment of resources and a swift response if necessary.
One of FLORIAN’s particularly valuable capabilities at these events is its ability to locate personnel at any elevation, whether they were working at basement level or several stories above ground. Additionally, FLORIAN facilitated the tracking of the teams assigned to VIPs, enabling the handoff team to be adequately prepared for their reception.
View Other USE CASES
Technical Rescue
Use FLORIAN, our accountability software, to reinforce your team’s confidence that while they focus on their mission, and you focus on their safety.
Wildfire Firefighting
Our software has been battle-tested in the toughest wildland environments to ensure all communications are successful on any challenging mission.
Structural Firefighting
Keep your team safe as they tackle structural fires with FLORIAN. Delivering real time location and route tracking as navigate the area, robust connectivity, and automatic alerts.